Johannessen, Bjorn2016-04-192016-04-1919994344_MaintenanceManual.pdf manual summarizes relevant Cambodian government policies regarding rural road maintenance. Chapter 2 defines the various components of road maintenance and describes an effective strategy and organization which addresses the maintenance requirements of rural roads in Cambodia. Chapter 3 is a brief description of the planning, implementation and reporting cycle required in an effective road maintenance management system. Chapter 4 summarizes the contracts management procedures, and finally Chapter 5 contains a detailed description of the planning and reporting system established for the execution of routine maintenance works, engaging local petty contractors using labour-based work methods.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightRural developmentTransportation infrastructureGovernmentAdministrationRural road maintenanceContractsManagement systemManagement proceduresRoutine maintenanceGovernanceRural road maintenance managementExtension publication