Bhutan Environmental Trust FundWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF)2016-04-192016-04-192007-07-262504_Bhutan_LINKPA_II.doc biological corridors includes core protected areas, forest and wetland habitats outside of protected areas, agricultural lands and settlements. As an integral component of the proposed project, a long-term financial plan will be developed based on the review of current and future costs of managing the corridors by gathering information from government, community, and private investments.application/mswordenIn CopyrightWildlifeBiodiversityPayments for environmental servicesForest ecosystemsEnvironmental servicesConservationParksTourismBiodiversity conservationBhutanBhutan environmental trust fundBiological corridorsProtected areasThe Biological Corridor Landscape ProjectLinking and Enhancing Protected Areas in the temperate broadleaf forest ecoregion of BhutanProposal