2019-11-042019-11-042019http://hdl.handle.net/10919/95240Stakeholder input highlights a number of continuing and emerging characteristics of the environment that make up the world in which we live, work, and learn. The goal of the environmental scan is to identify a comprehensive set of the most critical factors likely to impact Virginia Tech, our students, and the business community during period covered by the next strategic plan and beyond. This document begins the process of defining these influencing factors and understanding the implications of these expected influences in our environment.en-USIn CopyrightEnvironmental Scan Feature SummaryAnalysis of environmental characteristics identified by college stakeholders, trajectories, and likely implications: Building a foundation for Pamplin’s 2019-2024 Strategic PlanReporthttps://pamplin.vt.edu/content/dam/pamplin_vt_edu/documents/Environmental%20Scan%20Feature%20Summary.pdf