Himler, TomSharma, PranavTaing, EriqAkula, AkshayJoaquin, Evan2021-12-152021-12-152021-12-13http://hdl.handle.net/10919/107004Risk Sentiment Analysis proposes a solution for companies to evaluate user submitted reports to determine workplace safety. The web application develops a pipeline for managers to submit employee CSVs to be processed through a custom sentiment analysis model in AWS. Alongside that, it has graphical presentation capabilities to easily interpret queried data. Finally, the web application supports a feedback loop of re-training the model to improve its accuracy with a page dedicated for human review.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalMachine learningAWSHypertextSentiment AnalysisNatural Language ProcessingNLPJavaScriptReact.jsAWS ComprehendAWS S3AWS EC2AWS DynamoDBRisk Prediction Sentiment AnalysisPresentation