Cairns, Paulette Anne2020-12-302020-12-302019-07-08vt_gsexam:19667 apple cultivars for cider-making are often distinguished by a high concentration of tannins (phenolic compounds), and/or acid. The phenolic content of some cider apples far exceeds that of white wine, however most cider fermentation practices are directly taken from white winemaking, not accounting for effects of high concentrations of phenolic compounds on yeast fermentation. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, and chlorogenic acid—at concentrations reported in apples—and their interactions with yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN) on fermentation kinetics and cider aroma. Our hypothesis was that the phenolic compounds present in high-tannin cider apples would negatively impact fermentation kinetics, but not alter the aroma, and that added YAN would reduce these effects. Ferulic acid negatively affected fermentation performance (p < 0.05), but p-coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid did not. p-Coumaric acid led to the greatest changes in cider aroma. Differences were also detected for different concentrations of ferulic acid. Chlorogenic acid did not affect aroma. Yeast strain influenced fermentation performance and cider aroma. Finally, addition of exogenous YAN improved fermentation performance for the low concentration ferulic acid condition, but not for the high concentration. Adding YAN also changed cider aroma in the presence of p-coumaric acid.ETDIn Copyrightinhibitionferulic acidp-coumaric acidchlorogenic acidphenolic compoundsEffects of Hydroxycinnamates and Exogenous Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen on Cider Aroma and Fermentation PerformanceThesis