Holcomb, R.Bendfeldt, Eric S.Lelekacs, J.Velandia, M.Woods, T.Goodwin, H. L. Jr.2017-01-122017-01-122016-02-08http://hdl.handle.net/10919/74282This paper attempts to map the various aspects of “local food” and in doing so provide some common ground and a glossary of terminology related to local food systems. It is hoped that this effort will better assist consumers, producers, government entities, NGOs, and land-grant universities identify gaps in local food information and opportunities for educational programs related to local food systems.19 pagesenIn CopyrightA Local Food System Glossary: A Rose by Any Other Name. Selected paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 6-9 February 2016Conference proceeding