Deisher, ChristopherRocconi, ChristopherGaughan, ErinWhite, JordanMichael, LouisKohl, RileyFox, Edward A.2017-05-132017-05-132017-04-28 Tech is updating its general education requirements, replacing the Curriculum for Liberal Education (CLE) with the Pathways Program. With this effort the Office of General Education is trying to improve the way that courses are publicized. The goal of this push is to allow students to make a more informed decision about which courses to select to fulfill their general education requirements. Our team worked with a team in the Office of General Education to revamp the current Pathways website by producing new content for courses. For each course, this included creating a course trailer, taking photographs of the course, writing synopses, and interviewing students about their experiences with the course. Additionally, we produced a series of more faculty oriented podcasts to provide some context for the program on the whole. This new content was added to an updated version of the website we created which at the time of writing is awaiting approval as a part of a larger Pathways web presence overhaul.en-USIn CopyrightvideopodcastwebsitePathwayscoursesPathways WebAudio