Cui, Jing2017-04-252017-04-252017-04-24vt_gsexam:10059 dissertation focuses on the nonlinear Schrodinger equation iu_t+u_{xx}+kappa|u|^2u =0, for the complex-valued function u=u(x,t) with domain t>=0, 0<=x<= L, where the parameter kappa is any non-zero real number. It is shown that the problem is locally and globally well-posed for appropriate initial data and the solution exponentially decays to zero as t goes to infinity under the boundary conditions u(0,t) = beta u(L,t) and beta u_x(0,t)-u_x(L,t) = ialpha u(0,t), where L>0, and alpha and beta are any real numbers satisfying alpha*beta<0 and beta does not equal 1 or -1. Moreover, the numerical study of controllability problem for the nonlinear Schrodinger equations is given. It is proved that the finite-difference scheme for the linear Schrodinger equation is uniformly boundary controllable and the boundary controls converge as the step sizes approach to zero. It is then shown that the discrete version of the nonlinear case is boundary null-controllable by applying the fixed point method. From the new results, some open questions are presented.ETDIn CopyrightNonlinear Schrodinger EquationContraction Mapping PrincipleBoundary ControlBoundary Controllability and Stabilizability of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation in a Finite IntervalDissertation