Baratti, Laurie2021-05-252021-05-252021-05-21 is resuming service of hot, fresh in-flight meals for its first-class passengers on transcontinental flights and flights to Hawaii. They’ll be offered a full meal, along with an appetizer and their choice of two hot entrees, with the option of pre-ordering a fruit-and-cheese platter. Currently on the menu is miso-marinated cod with vegetables, a side salad, bread roll, and dessert. Meals will be served on a single tray to minimize the amount of close contact that passengers have with flight attendants.application/pdfenIn Copyright (InC)In-flight hot mealsTwo hot entreesAlaska AirlinesFirst-class passengers on transcontinental flightsFlights to HawaiiAlaska Airlines Restarts In-Flight Food and Drink ServiceArticle