Virginia TechRobinson, Sam Leslie2014-04-092014-04-091988-02Robinson, S. L., "The semiclassical limit of quantum dynamics. I. Time evolution," J. Math. Phys. 29, 412 (1988); ℏ→0 limit of the quantum dynamics determined by the Hamiltonian H(ℏ) =−(ℏ<sup>2</sup>/2m)Δ+V on L<sup>2</sup>(R<sup>n</sup>) is studied for a large class of potentials. By convolving with certain Gaussian states, classically determined asymptotic behavior of the quantum evolution of states of compact support is obtained. For initial states of class C<sup>1</sup>/<sub>0</sub> the error terms are shown to have L<sup>2</sup> norms of order ℏ<sup>1/2−ε</sup> for arbitrarily small positive ε.en-USIn CopyrightThe semiclassical limit of quantum dynamics. I. Time evolutionArticle - Refereed of Mathematical Physics