Kamat, Smruti2014-03-142014-03-142004-08-05etd-08302005-064007http://hdl.handle.net/10919/34846The goal of this thesis is to find that point of equilibrium in a composition where nothing can be added and nothing can be taken away. Each and every element is vital and any addition or subtraction will disturb this equilibrium. The nature of this investigation requires a program where simplicity is a virtue. The word temple is derived from 'temnere', which means to cut, to take away. I understand this as a process of subtracting to create meaning out of something that would otherwise have been inert matter. The program proposes a sequence of three distinct spaces for contemplation, and welcomes people of any faith. While it is impossible to meet the exact requirements of each religion, there is a common thread that ties all sacred spaces together. The goal of this project is to create a silent meditative environment by bringing into play essential qualities of the space itself such as material and light.In CopyrightpathwhiteblacksoftpowerLightto cutrestraintbalanceIn Search of Equilibrium: Containers of LightThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-08302005-064007/