Lugo De Jesus, Mayte Nilda2014-03-142014-03-141999-07-01etd-112199-161415 as an act of social intervention is the concept of this project. Careful consideration of context and surrounding as well as community needs are the forces behind the creation of a building that is both a place of transition and interaction; a place that both philosophically and programmatically intends to enhance the life of the town's population by promoting social and civic togetherness. Through the architectural concept of flexibility it is my intention to make a center that would not only house several permanent activities at once, but will also be able to host as many types of temporary activities as the community can imagine. The building intervening as a social unifier provides both the local and the university communities a place to interact and play together. The chosen site is ideal for this project, since its location is considered as a bridge between downtown and the university campus, thus making it easier to generate an activity space where both could meet throughout the year. The proposed building design reflects this "bridge" condition of the site by turning itself into an urban icon of different qualities; the building that becomes a plaza, the plaza that becomes a building.In CopyrightflexibilityplazaBlacksburgentertainmentArchitecture as a Transition SpaceThesis