Bryceson, Deborah Fahy2016-04-192016-04-1920001-8533-9477-7 only recordThis chapter ventures to summarize the case-study findings through a schematic examination of the changing nature of peasant negotiating complexes. It then turns to the most salient challenge facing peasantries today, namely their growing labour redundancy in the world market. Peasant responses are outlined before considering the current policy environment and viable policy options. The conclusion returns to the issue of academic bias and the ambiguity of western attitudes more generally towards peasants and their legacy to the world.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightLivelihoodsAgriculturePeasantsLaborParticipationSocietyTheoryAgrarianTransitionsPolicyFarm/Enterprise ScaleDisappearing peasantries? Rural labour redundancy in the neo-liberal era and beyondAbstractCopyright 2000 London Intermediate Technology Publications