Fohl Jr., George Christopher2021-05-082021-05-082021-05-07vt_gsexam:30073 among those identified for gifted programs has been a concern in the field of gifted education for over a century, affecting students of color, students with disabilities, English language learners, and economically disadvantaged students. Universal screening has emerged as a possible strategy to increase referrals of students from underrepresented populations and to produce gifted population demographics more reflective of total student enrollment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of universal screening measures on the diversity of students found eligible for gifted education services. The study examined the following research questions: 1. What is the relationship between a referral source and the gifted identification of elementary school students? 2. To what extent do universal screening measures influence the diversity of students eligible for gifted education services? This study used existing referral and eligibility data of elementary school students in a medium-sized school district who were administered a universal screening measure during the 2019-2020 school year. Pearson chi-square tests with Yates' continuity correction were used to determine the existence of possible associations between referral source and gifted identification status, and Cramér's V was used as a measure of effect size. Referral rates, accuracy, and effectiveness of referral sources were also computed. Across all demographic groups, universal screeners referred more students than any other referral source, and the highest number of students identified gifted after the full gifted evaluation came from universal screener referrals. Teacher referrals and universal screener referrals produced the most diverse identified gifted results after evaluation. Universal screeners displayed the highest referral rates and were the most accurate and effective referral source across all demographic groups. This study provides the field of gifted education further research on universal screening, and the findings of this study provide educational leaders data to inform practice. Implications for school and district leaders involve multiple stakeholders and address different areas to promote diversity among the gifted student population. The implications center on parent and community engagement, professional learning, best practices in gifted education, and evaluation of gifted identification processes.ETDIn Copyrightgiftedidentificationreferralnominationdiversityequityuniversal screeningunderrepresented populationEnglish language learnerstudents with disabilitieseconomically disadvantagedThe Influence of Universal Screening Measures on the Diversity of Students Found Eligible for Gifted Education Program ServicesDissertation