Kron, Jillian EveAlphin, Caroline2021-08-272021-08-272019-03-28Kron, J.E., 2019. Cloud Watching, 2019. Spectra, 7(1), pp.1–2. DOI: piece began as a stream of consciousness drawing. Two rows of sexless faces all looking in the same direction formed what reminded me of a gust of wind. I continued using the face as a repeating unit to create the sky. Cloud Watching was heavily influenced by the Ukiyo-e period of Japanese art and the psychedelic fractalization of objects by the human eye during altered states of consciousness.2 pages380.13application/pdfapplication/zipenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCloud Watching, 2019Article - RefereedKron, Jillian EveVirginia TechSpectra