Gao, XinShukla, Pramod2019-03-112019-03-112015-05-051029-847918 a setup of type IIB superstring theory compactified on an orientifold of T-6/(Z(2) x Z(2)), we propose a modular invariant dimensional oxidation of the four-dimensional scalar potential. In the oxidized ten-dimensional supergravity action, the standard NS-NS and RR three form fluxes (H-, F-) as well as the non-geometric fluxes (Q-, P-) are found to nicely rearrange themselves to form generalized flux-combinations. As an application towards moduli stabilization, using the same S-duality invariant scalar potential, we examine the recently proposed No-Go theorem [1] about creating a mass-hierarchy between universal-axion and the dilaton relevant for axionic-inflation. Considering a two-field dynamics of universal axion and dilator while assuming the other moduli/axions being stabilized, we find a part of the No-Go arguments to be quite robust even with the inclusion of non-geometric (Q-, P-) fluxes.application/pdfen-USCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalFlux compactificationsSupergravity ModelsSuperstring VacuaDimensional oxidation and modular completion of non-geometric type IIB actionArticle - RefereedJournal of High Energy Physics