Roth, D.Boelens, R.Zwarteveen, M.2016-04-192016-04-192005978-0-8135-3674-3 (hardcover)978-0-8135-3765-0 (paperback) only recordThe introductory chapter to a book on water relations, the article opens with a critique of the modern tendency to embrace a universal rights-based framework for conceptualizing water provision. Roth, et al. argue that water use is an intensely local issue that merits address through contextually adapted solutions. The chapter moves on to a discussion of water policy, water use, and solutions to water disputes on a more general scale.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightWater policyWater managementLocal policyWater useIrrigationWater rightsWater rightsWater resource managementLegal pluralismLegal complexity in the analysis of water rights and water resources managementAbstractCopyright 2005 by Dik Roth, Rutgerd Boelens and Margreet Zwarteveen