Momsen, Janet H.2016-04-192016-04-192010Routledge Perspectives on Development Series0-203-86962-1 only recordThe author argues that globalization has created new markets for female labor through the influences of transnational corporations, tourism, micro-finance and industry. Women's employment, however, varies from country to country more than men's does according to social expectations of women's roles. She uses micro-finance, tourism and industry work to flesh out the positive and negative impacts of these new types of employment for women.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightGlobalizationRural developmentEconomic growthMarketing and tradeCultureLivelihoodsMarketsGenderEconomic impactsCommunity developmentAgricultureMicrofinanceTourismGender comparisonFarm/Enterprise Scale GovernanceGlobalization and Changing Patterns of Economic ActivityAbstractCopyright 2004, 2010 Janet Momsen