Myers, Nathan M.Scott, RyanPark, KwonScarola, Vito W.2025-01-172025-01-172023-06-282643-1564 computers offer the potential to efficiently simulate the dynamics of quantum systems, a task whose difficulty scales exponentially with system size on classical devices. To assess the potential for near-term quantum computers to simulate many-body systems we develop a formalism to straightforwardly compute bounds on the number of Trotter steps needed to accurately simulate the time evolution of fermionic lattice models based on the first-order commutator scaling. We apply this formalism to two closely related many-body models prominent in condensed matter physics, the Hubbard and t-J models. We find that, while a naive comparison of the Trotter depth first seems to favor the Hubbard model, careful consideration of the model parameters and the allowable error for accurate simulation leads to a substantial advantage in favor of the t-J model. These results and formalism set the stage for significant improvements in quantum simulation costs.17 page(s)application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalQuantum simulation costs for Suzuki-Trotter decomposition of quantum many-body lattice modelsArticle - RefereedPhysical Review Research, Nathan [0000-0002-9903-2859]Scarola, Vito [0000-0002-8653-2723]2643-1564