Patil, Mayuresh J.2021-07-142021-07-142021-07<br>This collection of interactive problems and solutions includes over twenty-five collections of 3-5 problems each on topics relevant to undergraduate-level aerospace structures such as: load factors, strain, stress, stress transformation and principal stresses, material properties, composites, equations of equilibrium, Airy stress function, thermoelasticity, failure theories, elastic-plastic analysis, fracture, beam bending, principal of minimum total potential energy, finite element method for beams, plate bending, buckling, structural dynamics, and aeroelasticity. <b>Purpose</b> <br>The problem sets were developed to help faculty provide regular formative assessments to the students without any corresponding grading burden (for the faculty or TA). The assessments can be given twice a week in a typical class and can help the students get feedback on a regular basis. Problem sets supplement the open textbook, <i>Aerospace Structures</i> by Eric Raymond Johnson (2022) <a href=""></a>. <b>Author and license information</b> <br>The problem sets were developed by Mayuresh Patil, former Associate Department Chair, Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Oceanic Engineering at Virginia Tech, and currently Professor of Practice at Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech. Problem sets are ©2021 Mayuresh Patil and released under a Creative Commons NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY NC-SA) license. License terms are available at <a href=""></a>. <b>Suggested citation</b> <br>Patil, Mayuresh. (2021) Problem Sets for Aerospace Structures. CC BY-NC-SA. Retrieved from <a href=""></a>. <b>Technical notes regarding use of the problem sets</b> <br>Each of the 25+ problem sets were built in Canvas “legacy quizzes” and exported into the IMS QTI 1.2 format. <b>Open access to the problem sets</b> - Problem sets are available for free public view in Canvas Commons. View the list of direct links provided below, download the file titled "Problem_set_URLs_for_Canvas_Commons.txt (2.863Kb)" from this page, or search for “Aerospace Structures” at <a href=""></a>. A Canvas account is not required to view items designated as “public” in Canvas Commons. - Users logged into a Canvas account may import these directly to an existing course or download them in IMS QTI 1.2 format for use in a different IMS QTI compatible system such as Blackboard, D2L, or other IMS QTI-compliant systems. - Users without a Canvas account have the option to create a free canvas account at: <a href=""></a>, which will allow them to export / download them. - IMS QTI 1.2 formatted downloads of problem sets are also available as Zip files without a login on the left side of this page. They were exported using open source <a href="">7zip software</a>. Please note that we are unable to provide additional file types, support for uploading, or assistance with reformatting files. Please contact your local learning management system (LMS) manager for additional support. <b>Help us! </b> <br>If you are an instructor using, reviewing, adopting, or adapting questions from the problem set we would love to know! Please help us understand your use by filling out <a href="">this form</a>. <b>Acknowledgments</b> <br>This project was made possible in part by funding of the Virtual Library of Virginia and assistance from the Open Education Initiative of the University Libraries at Virginia Tech. <br>Author: Mayuresh Patil <br>Project Manager: Anita Walz <b>Direct links to problem sets in the Canvas Commons system</b> - Airy Stress Function (Part I) <a href=""></a> - Airy Stress Function (Part II): <a href=""></a> - Beam Buckling: <a href=""></a> - Beam Buckling using PMTPE: <a href=""></a> - Buckling (Discrete Systems): <a href=""></a> - Beam Analysis using PMTPE: <a href=""></a> - Composites: <a href=""></a> - Constitutive Law: <a href=""></a> - Elastic-Plastic Analysis: <a href=""></a> - Equilibrium: <a href=""></a> - Failure Theories: <a href=""></a> - Fracture: <a href=""></a> - Load Factors: <a href=""></a> - Material Properties: <a href=""></a> - Plate Bending: <a href=""></a> - Plate Buckling using PMTPE: <a href=""></a> - PMTPE (Discrete Systems): <a href=""></a> - Strain: <a href=""></a> - Stress: <a href=""></a> - Thermoelasticity: <a href=""></a> - V-n diagram: <a href=""></a> - Plate Buckling: <a href=""></a> - Plate with a Hole: <a href=""></a> - Polar Coordinates: <a href=""></a> - Principle/Maximum Stresses: <a href=""></a> - Stress/Strain Transformation: <a href=""></a>enCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internationalaerospace structuresthermoelasticitystress/strain transformationstressstrainprinciple/maximum stressespolar coordinatesPMTPE DiscretePMPTE BeamPlate with a holeplate bucklingplate bendingmaterial propertiesload factorsfracturefailure theoriesequilibriumconstitutive lawcompositesbuckling discreteairy stress functionbuckling beamsaircraftspacecraftProblem Sets for Aerospace StructuresLearning object