Fong, TonyBarrat, VanessaFinkelstein, Neal2020-04-172020-04-172018-05-01 report examines data similarities and differences across four data sources: CALPADS, UC admissions files, CSU admissions files, and raw transcript data files that were provided by a sample of California high schools in the Silver et al. (2017) study. The analysis looks at the student-level records across the different sources for the four school years between the fall of 2011 and the spring of 2015 to examine the patterns of discrepant information (e.g., different A-G course names and/or grades). It also examines both the availability and the alignment across sources of credits during this period.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Statescollege admissionshigher education dataExamination of Data Usability Options for Assessing Eligibility for Higher Education in CaliforniaReport