Thiéba, D.Ouedraogo, H.Mathieu, P.2016-04-192016-04-191995Synthèse Regionale, September 1995 only recordPresents a synthesis of a CILSS workshop on alternative conflict management connected to natural resources. Conflict can be defined as "a situation of disagreement and opposition between groups or persons concerning the utilization and/or appropriation of certain natural resources.¿ Emphasis was placed on conflicts associated with forestry resources, recognizing that they are intimately interrelated to other natural resources. This workshop followed the CILSS regional conference in Praia (June 1994) which underlined the "necessity of considering the potential dangers conflict constitutes with respect to natural resources in the future of the Sahel.¿ The conference cited the urgency in preventing and managing conflict associated with natural resources and the necessity of integrating conflict management in the action plans for development. Case studies and reviews of the "state of the art" in each participating country were presented. Participants agreed that conflict could be classified according to many criteria including the space concerned, the stakeholders, the impact on natural resources, and the actors involved. The workshop accepted this latter to define the following types of (forestry-centered) conflicts:text/plainfr-FRIn CopyrightConflictPasture managementAssociationsForestsWaterEcosystemLa gestion alternative des conflits lies aux ressources naturellesAbstract