Overstreet, C. MichaelNance, Richard E.Balci, OsmanBarger, Lynne F.2013-06-192013-06-191987http://hdl.handle.net/10919/20044Current software specification techniques and specification languages are reviewed, emphasizing research activities in software specification languages. Alternate software life cycle models are described and compared to a simulation life cycle model. The importance of constructing a model specification before creating a programmed model is emphasized. Disadvantages in using simulation programming languages as model specification languages are discussed. The multiple uses which are made of a model specification are presented; these uses correspond to the alternate uses made of a requirements specification for general software. To evaluate where specification tools for general software will be effective for simulation modeling, both areas where the simulation life cycle corresponds to a general software life cycle and areas in which they differ are characterized. Importantapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightSpecification Languages: Understanding Their Role in Simulation Model DevelopmentTechnical reportTR-87-07http://eprints.cs.vt.edu/archive/00000055/01/TR-87-07.pdf