Zhang, ChiWang, HaosuZhang, LihuiFan, JiahuiCai, Zihao2022-05-092022-05-092022-05-04http://hdl.handle.net/10919/109921New students in the CSA-Meng program often get overwhelmed by the different concentrations and courses. They also lack a good mechanism to get course information. Thus they could easily make wrong decisions when designing their plan of study. The POS management system is designed to help students get course information, plan their courses and generate their own POS. They only need to answer a few questions before the system generates some plausible qualified POS for them. The system can also help students to check if their manually added POS and course list meet the requirements of the department.en-USCC0 1.0 UniversalPlan of studyAutomated systemPlan of Study Management SystemMaster's project