University of ZurichSchelske, O.2016-04-192016-04-191998Presented at a workshop on Financial Innovations for Biodiversity, Bratislava, Slovakia, 1-3 May 19982353_Schelske1998_financial_innov_biodiv_Swis.pdf Switzerland, the issue of biodiversity protection is addressed through several sectoral policies. This paper analyzes two cases of sectoral policies: ecological direct payments, which are within the realm of Swiss agricultural policy; and the activities of the Swiss Foundation for the Conservation of Cultural Landscapes (Fonds Landschaft Schweiz, FLS) which is within the realm of Swiss conservation policy. Both cases represent examples of the use of financial instruments for the protection of biodiversity.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightWildlifeBiodiversityTemperate zonesPayments for environmental servicesAgricultureGrasslandsConservationConservation incentivesAgricultural ecosystemsEcoagricultureSwitzerlandFinancing mechanismsFarm/Enterprise ScaleFinancial innovations for biodiversity: The Swiss ExperienceTwo examples of the Swiss Experience: Ecological Direct Payments as agri-environmental incentives & activities of the Foundation for the Conservation of Cultural Landscapes (Fonds Landschaft Schweiz)Presentation