Cairns, John Jr.2014-01-232014-01-232004 is a finite planet with finite resources, so any decisions humankind makes in the beginning of the twenty-first century will affect the lives of not only the future generation but the current generation as well. The problem is today the human society now considers its exponential growth as normal. However, persuasive evidence of the past indicates that some cultures have lived sustainably for many generation and cultures with too many unsustainable practices have collapsed. Research also shows that the use of the planet is linked to individual behavior and societal practices. Arguably, the best way to approach these ethical issues involving humankind and Earth s resources is the calculation of an individual s ecological footprint and also the factors most important to contributing to the footprint.en-USIn CopyrightSustainabilityecological footprintpopulation growthpollutionresourcesYou and Earth's ResourcesArticle