2024-05-072024-05-072023https://hdl.handle.net/10919/118841This APIDA + Center Annual Report serves to inform community members and the public about the Center's efforts to meet its mission to advocate for the APIDA communities both on campus and around the country and to educate the larger campus community on issues related to these communities. Learn about transformative programming highlighting the achievements of APIDA faculty, staff, and students on campus. Discover how visiting artists shared with diverse audiences the creative process. The APIDA + Center values its collaborators, campus partners, and community members in its continued efforts to realize its mission and goals.en-USIn CopyrightAPIDA + Center at Virginia Tech 22-23 Annual ReportReporthttps://ccc.vt.edu/content/dam/ccc_vt_edu/apida-plus-center/2024/doc/APIDAPLUSCENTER-2023AnnualReport.pdf