Simonarson, SigurdurCase, Sean2013-05-182013-05-182013-05 archive contains the two videos that were the deliverables for this project, with music that is licensed under the Creative Commons license. One video file is the promotional video used by VeSPA to get sponsors for future events, containing footage from the live event. The other is the highlight reel video used to excite players about future tournaments, using in-game footage. The additional files are archives of the iMovie projects used to create the deliverables. The projects with the suffix CC are for the videos with Creative Commons licensed music, while the ones without the CC suffix are the projects without Creative Commons licensed music.The Virginia eSports Association (VeSPA) held a League of Legends tournament from January 27 - February 12, 2013 called The Hokie Grail. The tournament consisted of 24 teams, and over 75 games were played with over $1000 cash prizes and raffles. This project group set out to use both footage from the live event as well as in-game footage in order to promote the organization. The promotional material generated by the project is meant for two distinct audiences. The first is the collection of the companies that VeSPA contacts in order to obtain sponsorships for future events. To appeal to this audience the project group created a promotional video consisting of footage from the live event. This footage highlights the sponsors for the Hokie Grail and shows attendees interacting with resources provided by those sponsors. The second audience is the gamers who the organization hopes will attend future events. The live event promotional video achieves this goal to some degree by exciting players, but a top 10 plays video also was created to better appeal to this audience. The top 10 plays video consists of in-game footage that highlights some of the best players who competed in the tournament. This is meant to excite and inspire gamers, as well as provide a forum for high level play to be Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesleague of legendsvespavirginia esports associationvideovideo gameshokie grailesportsgamegamingtournamentpromotional videotop 10 playsVirginia eSports Association Video ProjectVideo