Wroten, Bryan2021-02-022021-02-022021-01-28http://hdl.handle.net/10919/102152Due to the virtual environment that COVID-19 has produced, many hoteliers have been adapting to virtual communication methods with their guests. Large chains have enabled text messaging with guests, while even smaller management companies have activated a virtual concierge. Social media has also shown to be a great way for guests to stay up to date on cleaning procedures and hotel announcements throughout the pandemic.application/pdfenIn Copyright (InC)COVID-19Pandemic ResponseHotel IndustrySocial MediaVirtual ConciergeHoteliers Reconnect With Guests Through Digital EngagementArticlehttps://www.costar.com/article/1656968126/hoteliers-reconnect-with-guests-through-digital-engagement