Haney, Casey2022-05-222022-05-222020-11-16http://hdl.handle.net/10919/110128Blog created in 2020 by metadata assistant Casey Haney, sharing her experience researching and creating the Reynolds Homestead exhibit in the virtual exhibit on Artsteps at https://bit.ly/vt-vr The accessible version can be accessed on our temporary digital library at https://di.lib.vt.edu/exhibits/show/virtual-exhibit The attached WARC file can be played through https://replayweb.page/enCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalVirtual Exhibit2020 ExhibitReynolds HomesteadR.J. Reynolds Tobacco CompanyVirtual museum exhibitsResearching the Reynolds Family: How I Created My First Exhibit EverOther