McMillan, Gail2016-04-072016-04-072016-04-01McMillan, Gail. "ETDs and the Landscape of Open Access Publishing." Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students: Services, Instruction, Spaces. Kennesaw State University, April 1, 2016. anecdotal evidence and calming fears about publicly accessible ETDs—electronic theses and dissertations, McMillan will present a variety of perspectives based on current data. She has led international surveys and gathered data from publishers and journal editors about their policies regarding ETDs. To these she will add data about ETD initiatives based on graduate school and university library activities.en-USCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesETDs and the Landscape of Open Access PublishingETDs and Open Access: The Digital Landscape of Open Access Publishing in the Graduate School ArenaPresentation