Honerkamp, Vincent2020-03-222020-03-222020-03-06http://hdl.handle.net/10919/97412Application of this type of project can be applied in other sales and business courses. For example, a similar project could be used in a sales management course or human resources class in which students recruit students for a new sales or human resources fraternity or group. Their task would be to complete the entire recruiting process and apply sales management duties including developing positions, recruiting, selecting, training, motivating, and evaluating new recruits. By applying the specific concepts, students internalize the material and will be better equipped to utilize these skills upon graduating. In addition, marketing departments looking to build or revitalize enrollments in their courses could use a similar active learning project in their basic marketing or marketing communication course. Teams could be assigned the task of increasing awareness of the program or specific courses within the program. The project could include all of the steps in the marketing planning or marketing communications planning process as well as implementation and evaluation of the plan by the student teams.enCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationalhotel salesZero to 60 in One Semester: Using an Applied Advanced Selling Project to Build a Professional Sales Program [Summary]Summary