Arias-Caballero, Diego Andres2015-05-272015-05-272013-06-17vt_gsexam:1205 story about love and desire to imagine architecture in a peruvian landscape. On one hand, 'Refuge in Belen Valley' is a thesis about discovering the ideal conditions that architecture should meet in a landscape, conditions that approach the idea of an offering of man rather than a conditioning for man. On the other, it is a thesis about thinking architecture as a composition derived out of material properties, emotional intentions, inhabiting possibilities and counterpoint, the arrangement of differences through, 93 leavesETDapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightArchitectureRefugeValleyChachapoyasMeanderBelen ValleyValle de BelonStoneCorbelLD5655.V855 2013.A753Refuge in Belen ValleyThesis