International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentWARSIYGBThe World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)2016-04-192016-04-192006-10-11 only record"The Bungo district in the Batang Hari watershed located in Jambi is the third largest rubber-producing province in Indonesia. The 'jungle rubber' agroforests in this area are becoming increasingly important as a reservoir of forest diversity and other 'forest services' valued in natural forests.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightCarbon sequestrationBiodiversityIncome generationPayments for environmental servicesTropical zonesNon-wood forest productsEnvironmental servicesHydropowerPark buffer zoneAgroforestryTree cropsBiodiversity conservationReward mechanismsJungle rubber agroforestEco-certificationFarmer groupsmicro hydro power plant (PLTKA)Endangered speciesConservation agreementsTree nurseriesMonocultureIntercroppingEcosystemMarket-based rewards for rubber agroforest products in Bungo district, IndonesiaRUPES - Rewarding Upland Poor for Environmental Services - Bungo case studyAbstract