AdvanceVT2016-08-112016-08-112010-09-08 is COACHE? - The Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Survey is conducted by the Harvard Graduate School of Education -Intensive focus on pre-tenure faculty -Measures institutional experiences and job satisfaction -Provides national and peer benchmarks -Over 8000 respondents from 104 universities nationwide COACHE Survey Overview - 307 tenure-track faculty hired at Virginia Tech before Jan 2009 were surveyed in fall 2009 Results provide: --Descriptive statistics and significant differences within institution by gender and race; descriptive statistics by academic area -Ranking compared to 5 selected peer institutions; percentile relative to 104 universities44 slidesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightPerceptions of Pre-Tenure Faculty: Findings of the 2009 COACHE Survey2009 COACHE Survey HighlightsPresentationVirginia Tech