2024-04-032024-04-032023-04-12https://hdl.handle.net/10919/118499The 10th annual Hume Center colloquium, sponsored through our Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) grant, will be full of exciting student and faculty presentations related to ongoing research and experiential learning programs from across multiple departments and colleges at Virginia Tech. The theme of this year's colloquium will be "Critical and Emerging Technologies", and will showcase our students' continued endeavors to become the next generation of national security leaders.en-USIn Copyright10th Annual Hume Center & IC CAE ColloquiumConference proceedinghttps://hume.vt.edu/content/hume_vt_edu/en/engagement/colloquium/2023/_jcr_content/content/vtcontainer/vtcontainer-content/vtmulticolumn/vt-items_1/download/file.res/Web%20Version-%202023%20Colloquium%20Program%20.pdf