Webb, Jacob Daniel2015-02-132015-02-132015-02-12vt_gsexam:4338http://hdl.handle.net/10919/51390The work seeks toward further developing a novel robotic platform capable of stable three legged locomotion. This will be accomplished by creating a robust and adaptable robotic platform capable of executing different walking strategies and taking multiple continuous steps. Previous iterations of this platform have been developed, all of which have used a single gait strategy. This study will seek to develop two new strategies. The first of which is a modification of the original strategy with theoretically improved gate robustness. A second strategy will seek to implement more advanced control techniques to create a fully stable balanced gait.ETDIn Copyrightrobotroboticsunder-actuatedtallthreeleggedthalerstriderTowards a Stable Three-Legged Under-Actuated Robotic PlatformThesis