Cassel, D. K.Raczkowski, C. W.Denton, H. P.2016-04-192016-04-191995Soil Science Society of America Journal 59(5): 1436-14430361-59951435-0661 only recordThis study compares four tillage methods on a highly-erodible soil in the Piedmont of the southeastern United States. The tillage methods left varying levels of surface residue: no-till (NT) had 75-87% residue coverage; 38-27% for chisel plow (CP), and 1% residue cover with moldboard plow-disk (MP) treatment. Due to decreased crusting and runoff and increased infiltration for conservation tillage practices, yields increased. Average yields were 1.23 Mg ha:1 (MP); 2.97 Mg ha:1 (NT); 2.44 Mg ha:1 (CP); and 3.69 Mg ha:1 (In-row subsoiling; one year only)text/plainen-USIn CopyrightSoilConservation agricultureConservation tillageTillageCornSurface residuesYieldsField ScaleTillage effects on corn production and soil physical conditionsAbstractCopyright 1993 Soil Science Society of America