Carnevale, Anthony P.Fasules, Megan L.2018-05-042018-05-042017 have a long way to go in achieving educational and economic equality. Latinos are improving their high school completion but still lag Blacks and Whites. As a result, Latinos are also last in postsecondary enrollment. However, the number of Latinos who are enrolling in postsecondary education is growing the fastest compared to Whites. Latinos exceed both Blacks and Whites in completion of postsecondary certificates but have the lowest overall educational attainment. Due to their low educational attainment, Latinos have the lowest earnings. However, Latinos tend to earn more than Blacks if they have attained at least some postsecondary education.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLatin American studentseducational attainmentrace and ethnicitycollege enrollmentgraduation rateslabor marketLatino Education and Economic Progress: Running Faster but Still BehindReport