Lamb, Jennifer2016-04-192016-04-192012Presented at the SANREM CRSP Technology Networks Workshop. Bungoma, Kenya. February 14, 2012.5879_Bungoma.pptx presentation, given in Bungoma, Kenya in February 2012 was given as part of a feedback workshop sponsored by the Technology Networks Cross Cutting Research Activity. The main goal of the presentation was to summarize research findings regarding farmer networks, key actors in the agricultural production network, and beliefs and perceptions about conservation agriculture held within locality.application/ CopyrightParticipatory processesConservation agricultureSocial learningFarming systemsLocal knowledgeSocial networksAgricultural production networksBeliefsPerceptionsConservation agricultureLocalityParticipatory processFarming systemsFarm/Enterprise Scale WatershedTechnology networks for conservation agriculture: Bungoma, KenyaPresentation