Ayala Zelaya, Marcos Alexander2016-01-202016-01-202016-01-19vt_gsexam:7085http://hdl.handle.net/10919/64471Several cascading outages that have occurred in the past have shown the importance of performing appropriate and coordinated transmission system planning between the different Planning Coordinators and Transmission Planners in a power system. In very large, interconnected systems, this coordinated planning is necessary due to the inherent complexity that characterizes non-lineal electric power systems. A major task in transmission system planning is to conduct contingency studies that would determine the consequences in the system when single or multiple of its elements trip due to failure or are disconnected during scheduled maintenance outages. This work develops general programs aimed at facilitating the performance of such contingency studies based on the latest Transmission System Planning Performance Requirement standard issued by NERC, TPL-001-4. The focus of this work is on the requirements for the steady state analysis described in the standard, which includes specific steady state performance planning events. The developed programs have been tested in a few base cases and have demonstrated their ability to facilitate contingency studies with any system regardless of its size.ETDIn Copyrightelectric power systemstransmission systemplanningsteady-statecontingenciesNERCTPL-001-4Steady-State Analysis in Transmission System Planning per Latest TPL-001-4 NERC StandardThesis