George, Robin2015-02-042015-02-042015-02-03vt_gsexam:4611 thesis documents an inquiry into the architecture of contemplative spaces and the process and evolution of the design of such a place. Man has often sought a place of solitude, a shelter, where the diversities diminish and differences become insignificant. In the recent decades many non-denominational temples and chapels, such as the MIT peace chapel, were built around the world by seekers of unity in diversity. This study explores the design of such a place and inquires into how the subtle architectural aspects contribute to the quality of solitude and tranquility of that place. These aspects are further explored in the design of a rotunda which becomes the heart of the thesis.ETDIn CopyrightcontemplationabsenceSilencerotundanon-denominationalPeaceAn Architurecture of Absence, A study on silence in architectureThesis