The Institute for Higher Education PolicyExcelencia in Education2019-06-272019-06-272008 student loans become an increasingly important piece of higher education financing, discussion about the potential for loan aversion—what it is, who is most impacted, and why—is essential. This report provides analysis using available data to describe a pattern of college choices that suggests an aversion to borrowing to pay for college for some students. The knowledge of the types of students who are less likely to borrow despite remaining financial need can help financial aid administrators, high school counselors, and others target students who may need additional help in deciding how to finance their college career.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalcollege choicescollege costs--law and legislationstudent financial aid administratorsStudent Aversion to Borrowing: Who Borrows and Who Doesn’tReport