Perez, C.Nicklin, C.Dangles, O.Vanek, S.Sherwood, S.Halloy, S.Garrett, Karen A.Forbes, Gregory Allan2016-04-192016-04-192010The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability 6(5): 71-881832-2077 only recordThis article describes the effect of climate change on agriculture in the highland Andes area of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. Small-scale farmers in the past have adopted techniques that have helped them adapt to changing conditions of hydrology, soil, and pest and disease populations. However, the rate of variability predicted as a result of climate change may push these Andean farmers past their range of adaptability and could have major implications for social and environmental sustainability in this region. This article examines the current adaptive strategies and offers potential risk-reduction strategies for producers, rural communities and local institutions.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightSoilPest managementSustainable agricultureAndesClimate changeIpmGlaciersGlacier recessionAdaptation strategiesField ScaleClimate change in the high Andes: Implications and adaptation strategies for small-scale farmersAbstractCopyright Common Ground, Carlos Perez, Claire Nicklin, Olivier Dangles, Steven Vanek, Stephen Sherwood, Stephan Halloy, Karen Garrett, Gregory Forbes, All Rights Reserved, Permissions: