Karlgaard, Christopher David2014-03-142014-03-142001-07-10etd-07162001-113728http://hdl.handle.net/10919/34025This thesis presents an approximate solution of second order relative motion equations. The equations of motion for a Keplerian orbit in spherical coordinates are expanded in Taylor series form using reference conditions consistent with that of a circular orbit. Only terms that are linear or quadratic in state variables are kept in the expansion. A perturbation method is employed to obtain an approximate solution of the resulting nonlinear differential equations. This new solution is compared with the previously known solution of the linear case to show improvement, and with numerical integration of the quadratic differential equation to understand the error incurred by the approximation. In all cases, the comparison is made by computing the difference of the approximate state (analytical or numerical) from numerical integration of the full nonlinear Keplerian equations of motion.In CopyrightOrbital MechanicsPerturbation MethodsSecond-Order Relative Motion EquationsThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-07162001-113728/