Abe, Y.Abrahao, T.Almazan, H.Alt, C.Appel, S.Baussan, E.Bekman, I.Bergevin, M.Bezerra, T. J. C.Bezrukhov, Leonid B.Blucher, E.Brugiere, T.Buck, C.Busenitz, J.Cabrera, A.Calvo, E.Camilleri, LeslieCarr, Rachel E.Cerrada, M.Chauveau, E.Chimenti, P.Collin, A. P.Conover, E.Conrad, Janet M.Crespo-Anadon, J. I.Crum, K.Cucoanes, A. S.Damon, E.Dawson, J. V.de Kerret, H.Dhooghe, J.Dietrich, D.Djurcic, Zelimirdos Anjos, J. C.Dracos, M.Etenko, A.Fallot, M.Felde, J.Fernandes, S. M.Fischer, V.Franco, D.Franke, M.Furuta, H.Gil-Botella, I.Giot, L.Goger-Neff, M.Gomez, H.Gonzalez, L. F. G.Goodenough, L.Goodman, M. C.Haag, N.Hara, T.Haser, J.Hellwig, D.Hofmann, M.Horton-Smith, Glenn A.Hourlier, A.Ishitsuka, M.Jiménez, S.Jochum, J.Jollet, C.Kaether, F.Kalousis, L. N.Kamyshkov, Y.Kaneda, M.Kaplan, D. M.Kawasaki, T.Kemp, E.Kryn, D.Kuze, M.Lachenmaier, TobiasLane, C. E.Lasserre, T.Letourneau, A.Lhuillier, D.Lima, H. P.Lindner, M.Lopez-Castano, J. M.LoSecco, J. M.Lubsandorzhiev, B. K.Lucht, S.Maeda, J.Mariani, CamilloMaricic, JelenaMartino, J.Matsubara, T.Mention, G.Meregaglia, A.Miletic, T.Milincic, R.Minotti, A.Nagasaka, Y.Navas-Nicolás, D.Novella, P.Nunokawa, H.Oberauer, L.Obolensky, M.Onillon, A.Osborn, A.Palomares, C.Pepe, I. M.Perasso, S.Porta, A.Pronost, G.Reichenbacher, J.Reinhold, B.Roehling, M.Roncin, R.Rybolt, B.Sakamoto, Y.Santorelli, R.Schilithz, A. C.Schoenert, S.Schoppmann, S.Shaevitz, Marjorie HansenSharankova, R.Shrestha, D.Sibille, V.Sinev, V.Skorokhvatov, Mikhail D.Smith, E.Soiron, M.Spitz, JoshuaStahl, A.Stancu, IonStokes, Lee F. F.Strait, M.Suekane, F.Sukhotin, S.Sumiyoshi, T.Sun, Y.Svoboda, R.Terao, K.Tonazzo, A.Thi, H. H. T.Valdiviesso, G. A.Vassilopoulos, N.Verdugo, A.Veyssiere, C.Vivier, M.von Feilitzsch, F.Wagner, S.Walsh, N.Watanabe, H.Wiebusch, C.Wurm, M.Yang, G.Yermia, F.Zimmer, V.2018-01-102018-01-102016-08-011748-0221http://hdl.handle.net/10919/8166025 pagesenIn CopyrightTechnologyInstruments & InstrumentationDetector design and construction technologies and materialsNeutrino detectorsPhotoemissionCharacterization of the spontaneous light emission of the PMTs used in the Double Chooz experimentArticle - RefereedJournal of Instrumentationhttps://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/11/08/P0800111Mariani, C [0000-0003-3284-4681]