Patel, Dhara Yogendra2014-03-142014-03-142011-12-21etd-05152012-135012"Reflection" is an experiment with what I call"symbolic architecture" i.e. design where the features of the building have a profound meaning or a strong recall to some familiar aspect in our lives. It is a meditation center designed to rejuvenate visitors by providing an ideal environment to practice and teach meditation. The design is inspired by concepts of Hindu philosophy and each element of the building, the light, the materials, the water and the structure is likened to an element of the spiritual being that helps a meditator achieve a connection between the body and the soul.In CopyrightmeditationunityreflectionyogapathmarblefloatingbodycubeglassLightcolumnsdarknightWatersoulgravelspiritReflectionThesis