2014-06-092014-06-091995-01"Retirement Relocation Among College Graduates: A Survey of Virginia Tech Alumni," Virginia Center for Housing Research Blacksburg, VA 24061, Jan. 1995.http://hdl.handle.net/10919/48635Research on the residential mobility of persons who have fully or partially retired identifies two major purposes of such relocation. Care-related relocation occurs in response to the inevitable increase in physical dependence that accompanies older age, particularly after age 75. Amenity relocation occurs primarily among persons aged 60 to 70 for the purpose of enhancing quality of life during retirement. This report explores the post retirement residential preferences of Virginia Tech graduates from years 1946-1961.24 pagesen-USIn Copyrightrelocationresidential careVirginia Techretired personsRetirement Relocation Among College Graduates: A Survey of Virginia Tech AlumniTechnical reporthttp://www.vchr.vt.edu/pdfreports/rtrptpub.pdf