Stavreva, Brigita2017-07-212017-07-212017-07-20vt_gsexam:10171 architecture will invariable be placed next to the old architecture because cities and human settlements last for generations and as humans and tribal species we invariably congregate and build new buildings to live-in, work-in and entertain in. Thus we create cities from ever increasing smaller settlements. And the city is the playground where the new merges with that which has been built already – merging the new and the old. Old town Alexandria is one such place where new and old exist side by side. There is no question that new architecture will be built. The questions are only what the new architecture will look like? What will it's existence respond to and what issues we as a society will choose to tackle with new architecture, if any. Will the new architecture and particularly infill architecture convey a purpose and meaning to rival that of its time-tested historic neighbors? And how the meaning and purpose be achieved in new architecture? This thesis explores the topic of new/ infill architecture finding place in historic districts in particular - Old Town Alexandria Historic District and Parker-Gray district. What has been the approach that has dictated the image and purpose of new architecture in historic districts in Alexandria? And can the new architecture have meaning and purpose all its own to rival that of its predecessors.ETDIn CopyrightInfillhistoricArchitecturecompatibilitymeaningNew vs Old: New Architecture of Purpose in Old SettingsThesis