Mapili, Kristine Irene Manzano2019-07-042019-07-042019-07-03vt_gsexam:20929 wells are understudied potential sources of opportunistic pathogen (OP) infections. OPs, including Legionella and Mycobacterium, are of particular concern for immunocompromised individuals and are known to proliferate in drinking water systems. Much of our knowledge surrounding OP occurrence and growth in drinking water relates to municipal drinking water systems, which primarily use surface water sources and are always treated with primary and secondary disinfection in United States. However, OP occurrence and growth in private wells is not well understood and it is unclear how the knowledge developed in municipal systems will translate to private well systems with rare and infrequent exposure to chemical disinfectants. In addition, because private wells are more susceptible to microbial contamination than municipal systems, the impact of flooding on OP occurrence is of particular concern. Two private well field surveys were conducted to document the incidence of OPs in private well systems. One survey conducted in North Carolina private wells with no history of recent flooding was focused on molecular and culture-based detection of Legionella spp. and Legionella pneumophila. The other survey was a broader molecular (i.e., DNA-based) characterization of the incidence of Legionella spp., L. pneumophila, Mycobacterium spp., Mycobacterium avium (the most commonly nontuberculous mycobacteria associated with disease), and Naegleria fowleri in private wells with recent history of flooding (i.e., Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in 2017, or the Great Louisiana Floods in 2016, extending to Texas, Florida, and Louisiana). All samples in both studies were analyzed for total bacterial 16S rRNA genes, indicator bacteria (e.g., total coliform and Escherichia coli) and inorganic constituents. Information about well system characteristics were obtained through questionnaires sent to participating residents. Widespread detection of OP DNA markers were noted in the flooded well survey. Legionella spp. (detectable in 50-100% of well waters, depending on the flood event) and Mycobacterium spp. (detectable in 13.2-45.0% of well waters) were the most commonly detected among the OPs targets. At the genus level, L. pneumophila (7.9-65.5%) and M. avium (7.9-32.5%) were less commonly detected, but still highly variable. It is not possible to judge whether these OP levels were elevated as a result of the flooding because the sampling was carried out as an emergency response and background levels were not previously tested. Also of interest was whether well characteristics could predict OP levels, including well depth, well type, or treatment. However, none of these emerged as significant predictors of OP detection frequency or levels. Similarly, these OP DNA markers were not elevated in homes reporting submerged wellheads or system damage, suggesting that detection of these OPs is more dependent on the groundwater that supplies these private wells than influx of contaminated surface water. The incidence of DNA markers pertaining to N. fowleri, the "brain eating amoeba" that causes rare incidences of primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), tended to be lower (5.0-12.7%) than that of other OPs targeted, but was more frequently detected in wells reporting submerged well heads, suggesting its occurrence was related to contamination from flood water. A positive association between total bacteria and occurrence of both Legionella spp. and Mycobacterium spp., was observed in private wells of all surveyed areas, contrary to observations in municipal drinking water systems with secondary disinfectant residuals. On the other hand, Legionella reportedly has an optimal growth range of 20-42 °C in municipal systems and recent surveys of municipal systems reported a strong association between Legionella spp. and temperature that was not observed for private wells in this study. We speculate that the essentially "infinite" water age and lack of disinfectant for well water, may contribute to these differences relative to municipal water supplies. The results presented in this work are likely an overestimation of OPs numbers in private wells, as molecular detection of OPs does not distinguish between live and dead cells. In addition, sample sizes were limited by laboratory throughput and budget. Identifying key variables impacting the occurrence of OPs in private wells, given that our study shows that these pathogens are relatively common, might someday help limit the risk of infections.ETDIn Copyrightopportunistic pathogensprivate well waterdrinking watergroundwaterfloodingCharacterization of opportunistic Pathogens in Drinking Water Supplied by Private WellsThesis